
前回は Mixcloud のブログに掲載されていた「How to record your Mixcloud shows like a pro」という記事から「プロ並みの音で録音する方法」をご紹介しましたが、今回は「より魅力的なコンテンツを作るためのノウハウ」について解説します。例によって僕の独断と偏見を所々挟みながら進めてまいります。




● オリジナルにする


● 自分ですべてやろうとしない


● 人々はジングルを愛する


● 最初の20〜30秒が重要




● EQ(イコライゼーション)

EQ は周波数ごとのレベルを調整する機能です。マイクロホンによっては金属的な甲高い音で録音される事がありますが、そんな時は EQ で高音域を下げ、低音域を上げてみてください。Audacity や GarageBand などの DAW ソフトウェア(録音、編集、ミキシングなどを行なうためのアプリケーション)には、あらかじめ EQ の設定がいくつかプリセットされているので、様々なプリセットを試してみてください。

● オーディオ・ダッキング

プロのラジオ番組などには、喋っている間だけ BGM の音量が下がり、喋り終わると音楽のボリュームが元に戻る、というテクニックが使われている事がありますが、それが「ダッキング」と呼ばれるもので、DAW ソフトウェアによっては自動的にダッキング処理してくれるものもあります。

※ ひげからのアドバイス
DAW ソフトウェアによる自動ダッキングは便利な機能ですが、聞き苦しい音になってしまう事が多々あります。なるべく自然な効果が出るよう設定を吟味し、できるだけ間を開けずに喋るよう気をつけましょう。それが難しいようなら自動は諦め、手動でコントロールした方がよい結果に繋がります。「そんな面倒な事はしたくない」という人は、いっそ小手先の BGM など使わず、喋りだけで勝負した方がリスナーの心に響くかもしれません。


可能な限り最高の音質でエクスポート(書き出し)しましょう。MP3 として書き出す場合は、必ず 320kbps を選択してください。

※ ひげからのアドバイス
「可能な限り最高の音質で」とは言っても、音質を上げれば上げるほどファイルのサイズは大きくなってしまいます。配信に使っているホスティング・サーヴィスによってアップロードできるデータ・サイズの上限は決められていますし、そのファイルをダウンロードするリスナーの事も考えると、闇雲に大きなサイズにしてしまうのも考え物です。この Mixcloud の記事には「MP3 の場合は必ず 320kbps を選択せよ」とありましたが、ポッドキャストの場合は(音声の長さにもよりますが)320kbps は明らかにオーバー・スペックで現実的ではありません。音質重視の音楽番組なら話は別ですが、トークを主体としたカジュアルな番組なら 128kbps 以下で充分だと思います。ちなみに僕の場合は、音楽を主体としたコンテンツは「128kbps(ステレオ)」、トーク中心の場合は「64kbps(モノラル)」を目安に書き出すようにしています。

Know how to make more attractive content

Last time I introduced "How to record with professional sounds" from an article titled "How to record your Mixcloud shows like a pro" on Mixcloud's blog, but this time, "More attractive content How to make "will be explained. By way of example, I will proceed with somewhere between my own dogmas and prejudice.

It is impossible to define "attractive content" in the first place because "each person feels" in the first place in the first place, it is impossible to define "attractive content", but as there is nothing to start putting Tsukkomi there, Anyway, please read it.

Even saying "programs" as a matter of course, varies from about one minute to more than one hour, each with its own style such as "talk only", "talk and music", "music only", etc. So, how to make a program is "up to you", but I recommend that you think about it experimentally and creatively as much as possible. So I will introduce some points to consider when making a program.

● Make it original
Think about "universal subject matter" or "unusual concept", such as whether to make it a deep program specialized in a specific field, the theme of everyday events, etc ..

● I will not do everything myself
Let's invite guests to the show. Doing so creates diversity and broadens reach to viewers.

● People love jingle
If you put a jingle at the beginning of the show, when listeners continue to listen to several programs, it will be easier to identify your program and the tension will rise as well. Besides the opening, let 's put a jingle in the required place such as scene change and ending. However, since excessive jingle is only annoying, abuse is not permitted.

● First 20 to 30 seconds is important
Listeners are heartless things and if you feel "bored", they will be skipped within one minute so let us know the listeners' minds as interesting as possible as soon as possible.

【Mix Tips and Techniques】
Even if you do not have mixing experience, do not panic even if you do not have the working hours. With very little effort and know-how, your program will definitely improve. The basic items to know are as follows.

● EQ (Equalization)
EQ is a function to adjust the level for each frequency. Depending on the microphone, it may be recorded with a metallic shrill sound, but at such time please lower the high range by EQ and raise the low range. Some preset EQ settings are pre-set for DAW software such as Audacity and GarageBand (applications for recording, editing, mixing, etc.), so try out various presets.

● Audio Ducking
For professional radio programs and the like, there is a technique where the volume of BGM goes down only while talking and the volume of music returns to its original level when talking is finished, but what is called "ducking" Depending on the DAW software, there are some that automatically perform ducking processing.

※ advice from beard
Automatic ducking by DAW software is a useful function, but there are many things that makes it difficult to hear it. Let's examine the setting so that natural effects are produced as much as possible and talk about opening as much as possible. If it seems to be difficult, you should give up automatic and control by hand will lead to better results. People who say "I do not want to do anything troublesome" may not respond to the listener 's mind, rather than using the smallest BGM etc, but only by talking.

Let's export (export) with the highest sound quality possible. When exporting as MP3, be sure to select 320 kbps.

※ advice from beard
Although saying "with the highest possible sound quality", as you increase the sound quality the size of the file gets bigger. The upper limit of the data size that can be uploaded is decided by the hosting service used for distribution, and considering the listener who downloads the file, it is also an idea to make it a big size unfailingly. In this Mixcloud's article, "Choose 320kbps for MP3, please be sure to choose 320kbps", but in the case of podcasts (320kbps depending on the length of speech) obviously overspecified and not realistic. If it is a music program focusing on sound quality, the talk is different but I think that under 128 kbps is enough for a casual program mainly based on talk. By the way, I am trying to export content based on music as "128 kbps (stereo)" as the main content, "64 kbps (monaural)" as a guide in case of talk center.