Ustream からの生配信システム図

「Fredio10周年」を記念してナマ配信をしたい。どうせやるなら過去の音声を流したり Skype でゲストを招いたりもしてみたい。しかし調べてみるとこれが意外に大変そう‥‥はたして僕にできるのか?「そんな事やってみなけりゃわかんない」って事で昨夜、いろんな方々にご協力いただいて「Ustream」でライヴ・ストリーミングの実験をした結果「よし!何とか行けそうだ」となったので、Mac を使って同じような事をしようと思ってる人のためにも、自分用の備忘録としても、そのノウハウを書き残しておく事にしました。


「マイクで拾った僕の声」「iTunes で再生した音声ファイル」「Skype の音声」をミックスしたりスイッチングしたりしながら、最終的に Ustream に送り出すためのシステム図です。そして iTunes の音声を「Soundflower(2ch)」に出力するための設定が↓です。

続いて Skype ですが、通話相手の声を「Soundflower(2ch)」に出力するための設定が↓です。

次はミックス用のアプリ「LadioCast」です。入力1に「Soundflower (2ch)」、入力2に「マイク」を割り当て、それらの音をどこに出力するかを決めてやります。入力1は「メイン」と「Aux1」、入力2は「Aux1」に出力。「メイン」に送られた信号は Mac に繋いだヘッドホンへと流れていき、「Aux1」に送られた信号は「Soundflower (64ch)」に流れるよう設定します。

次は「UstreamProducer」の設定。「UstreamProducer」は Ustream に音や映像を送り出すためのアプリです。「オーディオを変更」で「Soundflower (64ch)」を選択します。これでやっと iTunes と Skype とマイクの音が Ustream に送信されるようになります。


Live distribution system drawing from Ustream

In celebration of "Fredio 10th Anniversary" I want to deliver Nama. If it does anything, I want to stream past speech and invite guests by Skype. But when I look it up, it seems tough to go surprisingly ... Can I just do it? Last night we cooperated with various people and gave a live streaming experiment with "Ustream" as a result of "I do not know if I do not have to do it" so I got it "OK! For those who are planning on doing the same thing, as a memorandum for yourself, I decided to leave that know-how.

First of all, at the research stage, I found that applications like "Soundflower" and "LadioCast" are necessary. Fortunately neither of them was a free application, but it was hard to find where to get it, and it got stuck and it managed to install it. Since then it seemed convenient to have it, I tried putting an application called "UstreamProducer". The overall picture of the system is shown below.

This is a system diagram for ultimately sending to Ustream while mixing / switching the "My voice picked up by the microphone", "Audio file reproduced in iTunes", "Skype voice". The setting for outputting iTunes audio to "Soundflower (2ch)" is ↓.

Next is Skype, the setting for outputting the voice of the other party to "Soundflower (2ch)" is ↓.

Next is the application "LadioCast" for mix. Assign "Soundflower (2ch)" to input 1 and "microphone" to input 2 and decide where to output those sounds. Input 1 outputs "Main" and "Aux 1", Input 2 outputs "Aux 1". The signal sent to "main" flows to the headphones connected to the Mac, so that the signal sent to "Aux 1" flows to "Soundflower (64 ch)".

Next is the setting of "UstreamProducer". "UstreamProducer" is an application for sending sound and video to Ustream. In "Change audio" select "Soundflower (64ch)". This will finally send iTunes, Skype and microphone sounds to Ustream.

Until we arrived at this setting, it was a really triple and error twists and turns, brain miso boiled.