
ラジオの聞き方がわからない、という若者が増えているようです。「ラジオを聞くためには何が必要ですか?」あなたはこの素朴な質問にどう答えますか? やっぱり「ラジオを聞くにはラジオが必要です」と答えるしかないでしょう。すると「そのラジオという物はどこに行けば手に入りますか?」と聞かれ「電気屋さんに行きなさい」と答えると「何売り場にありますか?」と聞かれ「ラジオ売り場に決まってるじゃないか」と答えると今度は「ラジオ売り場が見あたらないんですが」と返され「そんなはずはない」と電気屋さんに行ってみると「ホントだ。ラジオ売り場なんてありゃしない」と驚き、それでもやっとの事でラジオを探し出し若者に手渡すと、チャンネルの合わせ方がわからずキョトンとされ、ダイヤルを回しながら「ほら、こうしてお目当てのラジオ局の周波数に針を合わせるんだよ」と教えてあげると「なんでこんな中途半端な数字に合わせなきゃならないんですか?」と聞かれ「ラジオ局の周波数なんてもんは中途半端なもんなんだよ」と苦しい答えを返し‥‥


How can I listen to podcasts?

There seems to be an increasing number of young people who do not know how to listen to the radio. "What do I need to listen to the radio?" How do you answer this rustic question? After all, there is no choice but to answer "I need a radio to listen to the radio." Then, when asked "Where can I get the radio stuff, where will I get it?" When answering "Go to the electric shop," asked "What is there in the shop?" Asked, "It is decided on the radio shop "When I answered" I do not see a radio stand ", it is returned as" It can not be that, "and I went to the electric shop and said," It's true, I do not have a radio shop, "but it is still a surprise When I find out the radio and hand it to the young man, I do not understand how to adjust the channel, it is called kyoton, turning the dial and tell me that "Please adjust the needle to the frequency of the intended radio station" "Why do I have to fit this incomplete number?" Asked, "The radio station's frequency is incomplete," a painful answer The return ‥‥

Before I knew that the media called "radio" was such a thing. So what about podcasts? How well is it recognized? First of all, on the question "What is a podcast?", How many people can explain exactly by using only simple and catchy words? And how can I answer the simple question "How can I listen to a podcast?"