iOS と Android 向けにポッドキャスト・アプリを提供している「RadioPublic」から、「Paid Listens というサーヴィスを始めたよ」というメールが届きました。一瞬「えっ! リスナーからお金を徴収するの?」と早合点しましたが、メールのタイトル「Get paid when people listen to your podcast」から察するに、逆に「ポッドキャスターが報酬をゲットできるサーヴィス」のようです。
今までも、番組内に広告を入れるなどして、ポッドキャスターに利益を還元しようとする試みは、海外のサーヴィスを中心に行なわれてきましたが、この「Paid Listens」もそれに似た仕組みなのか、はたまたそれとは別のビジネス・モデルなのか‥‥詳しい内容が判明したらまた記事にしようと思っていますが、興味をお持ちになった方は「RadioPublic」の「Paid Listens」をチェックしてみてはいかがでしょうか?
Even now, attempts to return profits to podcasters, such as putting advertisements in programs, have been conducted mainly around overseas services, but this "Paid Listens" is similar to that Or is it another business model other than that? ... If you find out more, I'm thinking about making it an article again, but if you are interested in it, please check "Paid Listens" of "RadioPublic" What do you think?
今までも、番組内に広告を入れるなどして、ポッドキャスターに利益を還元しようとする試みは、海外のサーヴィスを中心に行なわれてきましたが、この「Paid Listens」もそれに似た仕組みなのか、はたまたそれとは別のビジネス・モデルなのか‥‥詳しい内容が判明したらまた記事にしようと思っていますが、興味をお持ちになった方は「RadioPublic」の「Paid Listens」をチェックしてみてはいかがでしょうか?
It seems that the service "Paid Listens" serving podcasts and rewards is starting.
I received an email saying "I started a service called Paid Listens" from "RadioPublic" that offers podcasts and applications for iOS and Android. For a moment it took a quick point as "Why do you collect money from listeners?", But from the title of the e-mail "Get paid when people listen to your podcast", it seems like a "service that a podcaster can earn rewards" is.Even now, attempts to return profits to podcasters, such as putting advertisements in programs, have been conducted mainly around overseas services, but this "Paid Listens" is similar to that Or is it another business model other than that? ... If you find out more, I'm thinking about making it an article again, but if you are interested in it, please check "Paid Listens" of "RadioPublic" What do you think?