アメリカの雑誌「Forbes」の Web サイト「WOMEN@FORBES」に「7 Secrets To Producing Engaging Podcast Content」と題された記事が上がっていたので、例によって僕のつたない英語力と大胆な簡略化テクニックを駆使してご紹介します。今回はちょっと理屈っぽい内容ですが、我慢してお読みいただければ、参考になる事がもしかしたら1つぐらいはある‥‥かも。
● Givers 過度に寛大な人
● Takers 与えたもの以上のものを得る人
● Matchers 自分が受ける寛大さに見合った人
グラントは「Takers に属する人達の成功率が最も少ない」という事に気づきました。あなたはまず「価値ある何か」を提供しなければなりませんが、そこで肝心なのは「見返りを期待しない」という点です。
There was an article entitled "7 Secrets To Producing Engaging Podcast Content" on the American magazine "Forbes" 's website "WOMEN @ FORBES", so I used my bad English skill and bold simplification techniques as usual I will introduce you. There are a lot of people who feel that it is slightly reasonable content this time, "There is nothing to do with yourself", but there are about one thing to be helpful for when reading after reading it.
Podcasts that can listen even during work, cooking, and commuting (so-called "while listening") are one of "the easiest way to receive information" recently. So I asked the experts of "Brandcasters" about "points to be kept in mind to make high quality content and advertise programs while thinking about marketing".
1 Not just about you
If you want to encourage people to attend and participate and share, let's mention not only you, but also influential people and brands. Then link them and tag social media. By doing so, the reach expands and a better index is created for the search engine.
2 What is important is generosity
Psychologist Adam Grant studied people in three categories.
● Givers an overly generous person
● Takers who gain more than what you give
● Matchers People who are commensurate with their generosity
Grant noticed that "success rate of people belonging to Takers is the smallest". You must first provide something "worthwhile", but what matters is that "I do not expect any return".
3 helpful programs
If you are not a celebrity and you are not delivering a pragmatic program, it would be difficult to break with Dawn. Let's have a hint that brings useful listener life at least. However, try not to pack too much with greed.
4 Visual is important
Podcast is a voice-centric platform, but in reality visuals are very important. By using common artwork for social media, websites, etc., you can make the program's brand image consistent. However, do not forget to incorporate novelty as human brains have the property of responding to new things and having interests.
5 Do not rush
Contents that give sensational titles or obviously aimed for flames may lead to temporary increase in access, but it is recognized as a "dishonest and untrusted program" from the listener, and furthermore rank of search engines It will also have an adverse effect on you, eventually hurting you.
6 Advertising method suitable for the place
When sharing a program to social media etc., let's change the way of approach for each channel to be sent. For example, you need to prepare different images for Instagram and LinkedIn.
7 Using EGO BAIT
The last secret is what Brandcasters calls "Ego Bait". If your podcast is shared with social media etc., of course, it also leads to chance to listen to the program, but at the same time a back link (linked) to your distribution site will be created so that your program It also boosts from the search surface.
1 あなたの事だけじゃなくて
人々に注意を促し、参加や共有をしてもらいたければ、あなたの事だけでなく、影響力を持つ人やブランドについて言及しましょう。そしてそれらのリンクを張り、ソーシャル・メディアにタグを付けます。そうする事でリーチは広がり、検索エンジンにより良いインデックスが作成されます。2 重要なのは寛大さ
心理学者アダム・グラントは、3つのカテゴリーに属する人々を研究しました。● Givers 過度に寛大な人
● Takers 与えたもの以上のものを得る人
● Matchers 自分が受ける寛大さに見合った人
グラントは「Takers に属する人達の成功率が最も少ない」という事に気づきました。あなたはまず「価値ある何か」を提供しなければなりませんが、そこで肝心なのは「見返りを期待しない」という点です。
3 ささやかなお土産
もしあなたが有名人ではなく、万人に役立つ番組を配信しているわけでもない場合、ドカーンとブレイクするのは難しいでしょう。だったらせめて「リスナーの生活に役立つヒント」を持ち帰ってもらいましょう。ただし、欲張っていっぱい詰め込み過ぎないように。4 ビジュアルは大事
ポッドキャストは音声中心のプラットフォームですが、実はビジュアルがとても大切です。ソーシャル・メディア、Web サイトなどに共通のアートワークを使う事で、番組のブランド・イメージに一貫性を持たせる事ができます。ただ、人間の脳は目新しいものに反応し興味を示す性質を持っているのでマンネリには注意。5 煽るべからず
扇情的なタイトルをつけたり、あからさまに炎上を狙ったようなコンテンツは、一時的なアクセス増加には繋がるかもしれませんが、リスナーから「不誠実で信用できない番組」と認識され、そのうえ検索エンジンのランクにも悪影響を及ぼし、最終的にはあなたを傷つける結果となります。6 その場に合った宣伝法
ソーシャル・メディアなどに番組をシェアする場合、送信するチャンネルごとにアプローチの仕方を変えましょう。たとえば Instagram と LinkedIn では異なる画像を用意した方が良いでしょう。7 EGO BAIT を使え
最後の秘訣は Brandcasters が「Ego Bait(自己餌)」と呼ぶものです。ソーシャル・メディアなどにあなたのポッドキャストがシェアされれば、もちろん番組を聞いてもらうチャンスにも繋がりますが、それと同時に自分の配信サイトへのバックリンク(被リンク)が作られるので、あなたの番組を検索面からブーストしてくれる可能性があります。7 secrets that may be useful for delivery though slightly reasonable
There was an article entitled "7 Secrets To Producing Engaging Podcast Content" on the American magazine "Forbes" 's website "WOMEN @ FORBES", so I used my bad English skill and bold simplification techniques as usual I will introduce you. There are a lot of people who feel that it is slightly reasonable content this time, "There is nothing to do with yourself", but there are about one thing to be helpful for when reading after reading it.
Podcasts that can listen even during work, cooking, and commuting (so-called "while listening") are one of "the easiest way to receive information" recently. So I asked the experts of "Brandcasters" about "points to be kept in mind to make high quality content and advertise programs while thinking about marketing".
1 Not just about you
If you want to encourage people to attend and participate and share, let's mention not only you, but also influential people and brands. Then link them and tag social media. By doing so, the reach expands and a better index is created for the search engine.
2 What is important is generosity
Psychologist Adam Grant studied people in three categories.
● Givers an overly generous person
● Takers who gain more than what you give
● Matchers People who are commensurate with their generosity
Grant noticed that "success rate of people belonging to Takers is the smallest". You must first provide something "worthwhile", but what matters is that "I do not expect any return".
3 helpful programs
If you are not a celebrity and you are not delivering a pragmatic program, it would be difficult to break with Dawn. Let's have a hint that brings useful listener life at least. However, try not to pack too much with greed.
4 Visual is important
Podcast is a voice-centric platform, but in reality visuals are very important. By using common artwork for social media, websites, etc., you can make the program's brand image consistent. However, do not forget to incorporate novelty as human brains have the property of responding to new things and having interests.
5 Do not rush
Contents that give sensational titles or obviously aimed for flames may lead to temporary increase in access, but it is recognized as a "dishonest and untrusted program" from the listener, and furthermore rank of search engines It will also have an adverse effect on you, eventually hurting you.
6 Advertising method suitable for the place
When sharing a program to social media etc., let's change the way of approach for each channel to be sent. For example, you need to prepare different images for Instagram and LinkedIn.
7 Using EGO BAIT
The last secret is what Brandcasters calls "Ego Bait". If your podcast is shared with social media etc., of course, it also leads to chance to listen to the program, but at the same time a back link (linked) to your distribution site will be created so that your program It also boosts from the search surface.