
僕のスマホでは今、赤ら顔のアプリが真っ向勝負の睨み合いを繰り広げています。僕が「ナマひげ90分!」の配信に使っている「Mixlr 」も、新顔の「Spreaker Studio」も、共にナマを売りにしたアプリなので、双方1歩たりとも後に引く様子を見せません。ただ、生配信に特化しポッドキャストに未対応の Mixlr に対し、生とポッドキャストの両刀遣いが可能な Spreaker は、その点ちょっとアドバンテージが感じられます。僕の Mixlr との契約も2018年5月で一旦切れますので、もしかしたら Spreaker が Mixlr の後釜に‥‥なんて可能性もなくはないのであります。

Sumaho App for Red Streaming

In my smartphone, now red-face applications are fighting against each other in a straight line. Both "Mixlr" which I use for "Namahage" delivery and "Spreaker Studio", a new face, are apps selling lumps together, so I will not show how to draw after both steps. However, Spreaker, which specializes in raw delivery and is not compatible with podcasts, allows both sweet and podcast swords to Mixlr, which is a bit advantageous. As my contract with Mixlr will also expire in May 2018, maybe there is no possibility that Spreaker will be in the Mixlr's desk.