オーストラリアの Podcast ホスティング・サーヴィス「Whooshkaa」について(前編)

Whooshkaa というサーヴィスについては、ググってみても日本語の情報がほとんど見つからず、アカウントを取得した僕自身、まだよくわかっていない事が多いので、もしかしたら見当違いな事を書いてしまうかも知れませんが、現時点でわかっている事や、その魅力について解説してみようと思います。

Whooshkaa の最大の特徴は、サーヴィスを提供する対象が「CREATORS」と「BRANDS」に別れている点です。「クリエイター」は、コンテンツを提供する我々ポッドキャスターを指してるんでしょうが、「ブランド」ってなに? 他のホスティング・サーヴィスではあまりお目にかからないアプローチです。




つまりこれは、ポッドキャストを使った広告ビジネスなんですね。配信される音声のジャンルや、リスナーの住んでいる地域などをもとに、そのコンテンツにフィットする広告主をマッチング。音声に広告を入れる事で Whooshkaa はブランドから広告費をもらい、クリエイターは広告によって報酬を得る。という事のようです。もしこのシステムが上手く機能すれば、双方ウィン・ウィンなので文句はありません。どっちにしても我々はタダで配信できるわけですし。

ただ、Whooshkaa から配信されている番組をいくつか聞いてみたものの、いまだに広告入りの音声に1度も出会っていません。素晴らしいサーヴィスだったのに収益化に失敗して撤退‥‥という経験を、今まで我々は嫌と言うほど味わってきたので、ちょっと心配になります。


About Australian Podcast Hosting · Service "Whooshkaa" (Part 1)

Regarding the service named Whooshkaa, I can hardly find information in Japanese even if I talk to Guog, and as I often acquire an account I do not know much yet, so maybe I may write misplaced things I will explain things that I know at the moment and its attractiveness.

The main feature of Whooshkaa is that the subjects offering services are divided into "CREATORS" and "BRANDS". "Creators" are pointing to our pod casters offering content, but what is "brand"? It is an approach you do not even see on other hosting services.

When I open up a page for "Creator", there is something very reliable, "I am hosting your content for free, sharing and analyzing and analyzing and monetizing everything."

If you go further, you will appeal "Free hosting" "Share and spread", "Customizable players" "Multiple shows available" "Easy to import" "Support is fulfilling".

So, if you skip a bit and jump to the last part, it's easy to explain about the business model, which can be said as the key to how the service that is so full of it can be received free of charge.

In other words, this is an advertising business using podcasts. Matching advertisers that fit the content based on the genre of audio to be delivered, the region where the listener lives, etc. By putting advertisements in voice, Whooshkaa receives advertisement expenses from brands, and creators earn reward through advertisement. It seems like that. If this system works well, there are no complaints as it is a win-win. Whichever we can, we can deliver with free.

However, although I tried listening to some of the programs distributed from Whooshkaa, I have never encountered advertisements containing advertisements. It was a wonderful service, but I had a bit of a worry because we experienced the experience of withdrawing because I failed to monetize ... until now.

[Additional notes]
I can only distribute content as a creator, but what matters may be "How much can you appreciate the usefulness of this service to the brand"? Whatever the number of distributors will be, I will not tell you that the number of advertisers will not increase, although I will deliver high quality content in large quantities. I hope the number of clients who think "I want to advertise with podcast" increases.