ポッドキャストやネットラジオの配信を始め、リスナーもソコソコ増えてくると、次第に「もっと良い音で」「もっと本格的な機材で」という欲が出てきます。たとえばマイクやヘッドフォン、オーディオ・インターフェイスなどの購入を考えた場合、まずはネットで情報を漁り、Amazon や楽天などの通販ショップで購入する‥‥というのが一般的でしょうが「もう少し専門的な情報がほしい」「他の製品と比較しながら吟味したい」という時は、楽器や音響機器を専門に扱うネットショップを覗いてみる‥‥という手もあります。
「専門店」と聞くと「敷居も高いし値段も高いのでは?」というイメージがあるかもしれませんが、意外や意外、Amazon などより安い価格で販売されているケースも少なくありません。ちなみに僕がいつもお世話になっているのは、ミュージシャンやレコーディング・エンジニア、 PA 屋さん御用達の「サウンドハウス
When asking "a specialty shop", there may be an image that "the threshold is high and the price is high," but there are also cases where it is sold at a cheaper price than surprising or unexpected, such as Amazon. By the way, I am always indebted to a well-established mail order shop called "sound house" by musicians, recording engineers, PA shop owners. However, when entering into a bad mood, attention is required because Moetz is stimulating lusts (laugh)
「専門店」と聞くと「敷居も高いし値段も高いのでは?」というイメージがあるかもしれませんが、意外や意外、Amazon などより安い価格で販売されているケースも少なくありません。ちなみに僕がいつもお世話になっているのは、ミュージシャンやレコーディング・エンジニア、 PA 屋さん御用達の「サウンドハウス
Choose gadget to start with shop selection
Starting with the distribution of podcasts and net radio, as listeners increase in soco, gradually "with better sound" "greed more full-fledged equipment" comes out. When considering purchasing microphones, headphones, audio interfaces, etc., it is common to fish information on the net first and purchase at a mail order shop such as Amazon or Rakuten, but "I want some more specialized information" When "I want to examine it while comparing it with other products", I also have a hand to look into the Internet shop which specializes in instruments and audio equipment.When asking "a specialty shop", there may be an image that "the threshold is high and the price is high," but there are also cases where it is sold at a cheaper price than surprising or unexpected, such as Amazon. By the way, I am always indebted to a well-established mail order shop called "sound house" by musicians, recording engineers, PA shop owners. However, when entering into a bad mood, attention is required because Moetz is stimulating lusts (laugh)