
前回の記事では、ストリーミングと比較しながらポッドキャストを説明しましたが、実は最近「ストリーミング」と「ダウンロード」の境界線がどんどん曖昧になっている気がします。今にして思えば、ポッドキャストが広まった2005年頃には、まだスマートフォンもなく、どこにていても Wi-Fi が使える、という環境も整っていませんでした。だからこそ、小型音楽プレーヤー( iPod など)にダウンロードした番組を入れて「どこでも聴けるポッドキャスト」は画期的でした。

時は流れ、スマートフォンが普及し、Wi-Fi 環境が充実する中で、特に海外の音声配信サーヴィスなどでは、ダウンロードして聴こうがストリーミングで聴こうが関係なく、全部引っくるめて「Podcast」と呼ばれるようになってきました。


I answered "What is a podcast?" ...But

In the previous article, I explained podcasts while comparing with streaming, but in fact the boundary line between "streaming" and "download" has become vague more and more recently. If I think about now, around 2005 when the podcast spread, there is no smartphone yet, and the environment that Wi-Fi can be used anywhere is not in place either. That's why "Podcasts that you can download from a small music player (such as an iPod) and enjoy it anytime you like" was epoch-making.

As time passes, smartphones become popular and Wi-Fi environments are enriched, especially in overseas audio delivery services, regardless of whether it is downloading, listening or streaming, regardless of whether it's listening or not, "Podcast" and It began to call me.

In the original meaning, "listening to podcasts in streaming" may be a contradictory way of saying, but as I explained in the last article that podcasts are "listening to the radio on the Internet", "listening style Audio content that can not be caught by ", maybe it is coming at a time when we should take a broader perspective.