「今さら聞きにくいんですが‥‥ポッドキャストって何ですか?」と質問された時、キャッチーな言葉だけを使ってズバッ!とわかりやすく答えられる人がどれだけいるでしょうか? ポッドキャスト歴10数年の僕も正直自信がありません。実はこの「説明しにくい」という点こそが、ポッドキャスト普及の足かせになっている気がず〜っとしていたので、今回はあえて細かい所を大胆にハショッて、超シンプルに説明してみたいと思います。
ズバリ!「ポッドキャストは‥‥インターネットで聴くラジオの事です」いや、実際は音声だけでなく動画も PDF も ePUB も配信できるんですが‥‥とか言い出すとややこしくなるので、今回は「ラジオ」って事で話を進めます。
しかし「インターネットで聴くラジオ」と説明すると、民放のラジオ番組が聴ける「radiko(ラジコ)」や、NHK の「らじる らじる」などを思い浮かべる人がいるかもしれません。それらも確かに「インターネットで聴くラジオ」ですが、残念! それらはポッドキャストではなくストリーミングです。では一体どこが違うんでしょうか?‥‥というワケで、ポッドキャストとストリーミングの違いを絵にしてみました。
図の中心にある「HOSTING SERVICE(ホスティング・サーヴィス)」というのは、簡単に言えば「音声ファイル置き場」の事です(ポッドキャストに使えるホスティング・サーヴィスで代表的なのが Seesaaブログ)。そして、ポッドキャストとストリーミングの決定的な違いは「番組の聞き方」にあります。iTunes や専用アプリで「落ちてきた音声を聞くのがポッドキャスト」、Web ブラウザーや専用のアプリで「聞きに行くのがストリーミング」です。たとえば、あなたにお気に入りの雑誌があったとして、毎回本屋さんに買いに行くのがストリーミング。定期購読を申し込んで自宅に届けてもらうのがポッドキャスト。とイメージするとわかりやすいかもしれません。
(※ この記事はコチラに続きます)
Great! "Podcast is about the radio to listen on the Internet ... No, actually it can deliver not only audio but also video, PDF and ePUB, but when it comes out to say something, it makes things complicated, so this time we talk about" radio " We will proceed.
However, if you explain "Radio to listen on the Internet", there may be people who think of "radiko (Radiko)" that you can listen to commercial radio programs and "rasuru rasu" by NHK. Certainly they are "radio to listen on the Internet", but sorry! They are streaming rather than podcasts. So where else is different? I tried painting the difference between podcasts and streaming with the wakefulness.
If you can understand this figure somehow, "If you do not read from here onwards", it's okay ", but for those who say" Please tell me a bit more in detail ", I'll catch a bit.
"HOSTING SERVICE (hosting service)" at the center of the figure is simply "voice file storage" (Seesaa blog is representative of hosting services that can be used for podcasts). And the crucial difference between podcasts and streaming is in "How to listen to programs". "Podcast to listen to falling voice" with iTunes or a dedicated application, "Streaming going to listen" with a web browser or dedicated application. For example, it's streaming that you go to buy a bookstore every time you have a favorite magazine. It is a podcast that applies to subscription and reaches home every time it is issued. It may be easy to understand if you imagine.
If you register a program you want to listen in advance, it will automatically fall each time a new sound is added. In other words, since you do not need to access the distribution source each time, voice files are temporarily stored on your computer, smartphone, etc., so you can listen even in places where there is no internet environment.
ズバリ!「ポッドキャストは‥‥インターネットで聴くラジオの事です」いや、実際は音声だけでなく動画も PDF も ePUB も配信できるんですが‥‥とか言い出すとややこしくなるので、今回は「ラジオ」って事で話を進めます。
しかし「インターネットで聴くラジオ」と説明すると、民放のラジオ番組が聴ける「radiko(ラジコ)」や、NHK の「らじる らじる」などを思い浮かべる人がいるかもしれません。それらも確かに「インターネットで聴くラジオ」ですが、残念! それらはポッドキャストではなくストリーミングです。では一体どこが違うんでしょうか?‥‥というワケで、ポッドキャストとストリーミングの違いを絵にしてみました。
図の中心にある「HOSTING SERVICE(ホスティング・サーヴィス)」というのは、簡単に言えば「音声ファイル置き場」の事です(ポッドキャストに使えるホスティング・サーヴィスで代表的なのが Seesaaブログ)。そして、ポッドキャストとストリーミングの決定的な違いは「番組の聞き方」にあります。iTunes や専用アプリで「落ちてきた音声を聞くのがポッドキャスト」、Web ブラウザーや専用のアプリで「聞きに行くのがストリーミング」です。たとえば、あなたにお気に入りの雑誌があったとして、毎回本屋さんに買いに行くのがストリーミング。定期購読を申し込んで自宅に届けてもらうのがポッドキャスト。とイメージするとわかりやすいかもしれません。
(※ この記事はコチラに続きます)
We will be totally apologizing to the simple question "What is a podcast?"
"It is hard to hear now, but what is a podcast?" When asked, "Zubat with only catchy words!" How many people can answer easily and clearly? I am honestly confident in my podcast history 10 years. Actually, this point of "hard to explain" was a mistake that it was a hindrance to the spread of podcasts, so I would like to explain in a brief manner a bold dashing over the details in this time.Great! "Podcast is about the radio to listen on the Internet ... No, actually it can deliver not only audio but also video, PDF and ePUB, but when it comes out to say something, it makes things complicated, so this time we talk about" radio " We will proceed.
However, if you explain "Radio to listen on the Internet", there may be people who think of "radiko (Radiko)" that you can listen to commercial radio programs and "rasuru rasu" by NHK. Certainly they are "radio to listen on the Internet", but sorry! They are streaming rather than podcasts. So where else is different? I tried painting the difference between podcasts and streaming with the wakefulness.
If you can understand this figure somehow, "If you do not read from here onwards", it's okay ", but for those who say" Please tell me a bit more in detail ", I'll catch a bit.
"HOSTING SERVICE (hosting service)" at the center of the figure is simply "voice file storage" (Seesaa blog is representative of hosting services that can be used for podcasts). And the crucial difference between podcasts and streaming is in "How to listen to programs". "Podcast to listen to falling voice" with iTunes or a dedicated application, "Streaming going to listen" with a web browser or dedicated application. For example, it's streaming that you go to buy a bookstore every time you have a favorite magazine. It is a podcast that applies to subscription and reaches home every time it is issued. It may be easy to understand if you imagine.
If you register a program you want to listen in advance, it will automatically fall each time a new sound is added. In other words, since you do not need to access the distribution source each time, voice files are temporarily stored on your computer, smartphone, etc., so you can listen even in places where there is no internet environment.