欲しい欲しいと思いつつ、ずっと「くいだおれ太郎プリン」に付いていた帽子で代用してきましたが、やっと重い腰を上げました。欲しかったのはマイクの前面に取り付けるポップガード(息吹き防止のメッシュ)だけだったんですが、単品で買うより、マイクスタンドとセットになった商品の方が安かった(なんと844円)ので、NEEWER のコレを購入しました。
そのむかし、僕が宅録に精を出していた頃には、便利な道具が安く手に入るような環境になかったので、刺繍に使う輪っかを手芸用品店で買ってきて、そこにパンティーストッキングを張って作った「自作ポップガード」を使っていましたが、今じゃそんな手間もかからず、尚かつ自作するより安く、専用の道具が手に入ってしまう。まったくいい時代になったもんです‥‥というワケで、お役御免となった太郎の帽子は、Olasonic のスピーカーが被る事になりました。
I got a pop guard of my desire
While thinking that I want it, I replaced it with a hat attached to "Kuatariro Taro Pudding", but finally I raised my heavy back. What I wanted was only pop guard (breath prevention mesh) attached to the front of the microphone, but it was cheaper (844 yen how much) because it was cheaper for a product that was set with the microphone stand than to buy it as a single item (NETWER's I bought it.In the part of the microphone holder, the rubber band is hung on the letter of "Well", and use the microphone to sandwich it there. Since the microphone does not touch the holder directly, it looks like it floated in the air, so vibration from the table might be suppressed to some extent. Regardless of cheap items, we also carefully bundled spare rubber bands. Well, I think that it would be possible to divert ordinary rubber bands if I get to that.
Long before that, when I was sticking to home books, I was not in an environment where convenient tools could be obtained cheaply, so I bought them at the handicraft store and used panty stockings We used "self-made pop guard" made by stretching, but now it does not have such a time and effort, yet it is cheaper than making it yourself, and you get a special tool. Taro 's hat which became disenchanted by the weakness which became a completely good era was to be suffered by the speaker of Olasonic.